
The Center on Community Living and Careers (CCLC) is committed to supporting people with disabilities and their families as they live, work, and participate in their communities. A key part of our work is to promote partnerships between Indiana schools, state agencies, and other community support organizations.

People with disabilities, family members, secondary teachers and administrators, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, employment specialists, and other professionals involved in the transition from high school to adult living and services will find information, resources, and trainings on our pages. Please explore!

Information for Teachers and Families

As a project of the Center on Community Living and Careers, the Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center (INSTRC) provides trainings, leadership opportunities, and resources to support teachers and, ultimately, students with disabilities as they transition from school to their adult lives, working and participating in their communities, jobs, and/or postsecondary education.

Indiana's middle and high school teachers, students, and families rely on the INSTRC website for guidance, resources, and tips on quality Transition IEPs, transition assessments, diploma options, the Certificate of Completion, and much more. 

Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center

Transition Success Stories


Indiana Numbers to Know

45.8%People with disabilities employed, compared to 81.0% of Hoosiers without disabilities.

2022 Disability Status Report Indiana

74%Students with IEPs graduating in 2024 with a high school diploma.

Youth with Disabilities: What Happens After They Leave School

23,244Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities supported by Medicaid waiver services in Indiana.

Comprehensive State Plan on Community-Based Services for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities