Faculty/Staff on the Spectrum (FSOS) Group Meeting
2810 E Discovery Parkway, Bloomington, IN 47408
All Indiana University faculty and staff who identify as Autistic are welcome.
The Indiana Resource Center for Autism is dedicated to promoting and contributing to the well-being, self-advocacy, and autonomy of Autistic individuals across the Autism spectrum and throughout all stages of life. We empower individuals and engage systems through three branches of the IRCA: Training, School, and Community.
For Current and Future Professionals in the Field
We provide a variety of training and professional development opportunities to help you enhance your knowledge and expertise as you support Autistic individuals.
Learn MoreFor Autistic Hoosiers and Those Who Support Them
We are dedicated to fostering a more inclusive and understanding community that celebrates neurodiversity and supports the unique needs of Autistic individuals and their families.
Learn MoreFor Indiana Schools
Schools and educators are an integral part of supporting individuals on the Autism spectrum. We have multiple options for training and programming to support you in working with Autistic students.
Learn MoreFaculty/Staff on the Spectrum (FSOS) Group Meeting
2810 E Discovery Parkway, Bloomington, IN 47408
All Indiana University faculty and staff who identify as Autistic are welcome.
Students on the Spectrum (SOS) Club Meeting
2810 E Discovery Parkway, Bloomington, IN 47408
All Indiana University students who identify as Autistic are welcome.
Indiana Autism Learn and Collaborate (IALC) Initiative - Spring 2025 Session II Program Start
The IALC is an online initiative from the IRCA that aims to affirm neurodiversity, empower educators with Autism knowledge, and build a multidisciplinary support network of educators across the state ...Read more
By donating to the Indiana Resource Center for Autism, we will be able to continue and expand our work in supporting Autistic Hoosiers and those who love them.
Created by the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC), ID8 is your friendly AI assistant for navigating disability resources. Learn more about ID8 and how it can help you.
Get started by sharing your needs, like “I’m a parent seeking educational support for my child with autism.” Whatever your needs, ID8 is here to help! Launch ID8 now!
What can ID8 do for you?
2810 E Discovery Parkway
Bloomington IN 47408 812-856-4722
812-855-9630 (fax) Sitemap
Center Director: Rebecca S. Martínez, Ph.D., HSPP
The IRCA Reporter is filled with useful information for individuals, families and professionals.