After the Diagnosis: Video Summary
When you child receives a diagnosis of autism, it can be overwhelming. There is a lot to learn about the best ways to help your child. Here are a few tips:
- Every child is different. We are constantly learning about our children. Now it’s time to learn about what autism means to your child.
- What does your child do well and enjoy?
- What are the major challenges that your child is having?
- How does your child communicate with others?
- You will be given and need to gather a lot of information. It’s helpful to start a folder or binder where you can keep all of the this information together, including evaluation reports and phone numbers for doctors, therapists, and school.
- Learn about different therapy options and supports that your child may benefit from. Decide where it’s best for you and your child to start.
- Would your child benefit from Speech-Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Music Therapy, or ABA
- First Steps provides therapy services for child up to age 3 in Indiana. After age 3, a child can be evaluated by their local public school to see if they are eligible to receive educational services and therapies through an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). This includes the school providing services to children in their preschool program.
- Apply for the Family Support Medicaid waiver. This will offer some funding options for therapy and other needs for your child. The government provides financial help for children with disabilities. It does not matter how much money a family earns; if you have a child with a disability, you might qualify.
- Money can be used for services not covered by insurance, such as behavior therapists, music therapists, and case management.
- This waiver also include provides Medicaid medical insurance for your child.
- Help is available to fill out the Family Support Medicaid Waiver application.
- Sometimes there is a wait list to get the Waiver, so apply as early as possible.
- Use this link:
After the Diagnosis Resource Booklet