Less than one month away!
The team at the Eppley Center can’t wait for this year’s2025 Value of Play, “Create, Explore,Inspire!” Conference, and we hope to see you there!
Highlights include:
- “A Night of Wonder” - Private after-hours access to the Wonderlab, a Bloomington, Indiana, play-focused science museum with interactive exhibits that stimulate creativity, encourage exploration, and inspire lifelong learning!
- Keynote from Cas Holman - award winning toy designer and developer of the Rigamajig!
- An outdoor educational session track – for those who want to learn, play, and explore the outdoors!
- And so much more!
Registration remains open through the second week of April, and more information can be found on the US Play Coalition conference webpage, or you can: Register Directly Via This Link
Please reach out to usplay@iu.edu if you have a group of four or more individuals registering or if you or your organization is interested in being a sponsor!