Vocational Rehabilitation and Pre-Employment Transition Services

Vocational Rehabilitation and Pre-Employment Transition Services Website Information

Pre-ETS and VR: A Seamless Transition

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) is a program provided by Vocational Rehabilitation to help students with disabilities prepare for employment, post-secondary education, and careers.  

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal program that helps people with disabilities find and keep jobs. The goal of VR is to help people overcome barriers to employment and become more independent.   

When both programs work together, students have the support they need while in school to prepare for employment. Upon leaving school, individuals can feel confident to transition into competitive integrated employment within their community with support from Vocational Rehabilitation.   

*A student can be enrolled in Pre-ETS and VR at the same time if appropriate.  Once they exit school, they can remain enrolled in Vocational Rehabilitation.  

Be sure to check out the resources for individuals and families you’ll find on this page. (see links below) 

You can also contact us at: CCLC@iu.edu  or call (812) 855-6508 

Vocational Rehabilitation and Pre-Employment Training Services Schematic

Definitions to Know 

Competitive Integrated Employment: Full-time or part-time work in a setting that includes workers with and without disabilities. Workers who are competitively employed receive the same benefits and earn at or above the minimum wage, just as their co-workers who are not disabled do.  

Seamless Transition: Seamless transition refers to the smooth and uninterrupted move from one experience to another.  In this case, we are referring to the student’s preparation for employment while in school and the “seamless” or consistent move into employment upon exiting.  


More Answers to Your Questions 

If you have more transition questions, or even if you’d just like to listen in on the discussion, we offer time every week when individuals, family members, teachers, employment providers, or community resource specialists can call in to talk find solutions or suggestions for their questions or concerns related to transition planning. 

Visit our Comprehensive Transition Open Office Hours every Thursday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. EST: Connect with Zoom