Dr. Robinson is an assistant research scientist with the IIDC's Center on Education and Lifelong Learning (CELL) at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community. Now in his 12th year wth the Center, he has worked with teachers and school leaders throughout Indiana on initiatives related to collaboration, co-teaching, teacher evaluation, and instructional consultation.
His recent work features the support of Universal Design for Learning as part of CELL's Indiana Center for Teacher Quality (ICTQ) grant. In the ongoing project, ICTQ provides training in online and on-site contexts, including multi-year engagements with several partner districts. Prior to his time at CELL, Robinson taught special education at Bloomington High School South. He completed his Ed.D. in educational leadership from Indiana University in 2017 with a dissertation exploring professional identity construction of teachers participating in a long-term professional development program. He lives in Bloomington with his wife and son.
Robinson holds Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees in education from Indiana University in Bloomington.
Personal Statement
My work seeks to align two important themes. First, we must translate research and best practice on how students on the margins receive access to equitable education, and how their voices can be elevated throughout their school careers into actionable work in the classroom. Second, we must recognize that the experience of teachers and their search for certainty in a dynamic milieu—creates the conditions where that initial goal can be enacted. If teachers have greater agency and can conduct their work with an increased sense of self-efficacy, we might be able to identify ways in which their confidence leads to increased access and agency for students.
Research Interests
- Co-teaching and Collaboration
- Universal Design for Learning
- Professional Development
- Ansaldo, J., Cole, S., Murphy, H., & Robinson, J. (2014). INTASS teacher appraisal system: Evidence of implementation fidelity. Indiana University, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Center on Education and Lifelong Learning.
- Robinson, J. N. (2017). Teachers' identities in the context of professional development [dissertation]. Indiana University.