Our centers and library have compiled resources for educators, other professionals, parents, students, transitioning individuals with disabilities, and policymakers—and you can browse them all in one place.
Our centers and library have compiled resources for educators, other professionals, parents, students, transitioning individuals with disabilities, and policymakers—and you can browse them all in one place.
2810 E Discovery Parkway
Bloomington IN 47408 812-855-6508
812-855-9630 (fax) iidc@iu.edu
812-855-9396 (local)
800-437-7924 (toll-free) libiidc@iu.edu
The Indiana Institute on Disability and Community (IIDC) has a number of ways that you can connect with us. Newsletters, Blogs, Reports, Trainings, Special Events. Opt In!
Engage with usThe work of the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community crosses the lifespan and is conducted through six research centers and an Indiana University disability-focused library.