We showcase articles written by individuals with disabilities, including voices like Adria Nassim, to share personal insights on disability. We also support student organizations like the Students on the Spectrum Club, which is open to all Indiana University students, faculty, and staff who identify as Autistic. These self-directed groups promote social connections, empower effective self-advocacy, and help members explore resources and activities on campus and in the community.
We are pleased to partner with the Neurodiversity Coalition at Indiana University, which consists of students, staff, faculty, and community members dedicated to initiatives that enhance inclusivity for all IU Bloomington students. Contact the Coalition via email at neurodiv@iu.edu.
Additionally, the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) hosts a Hoosier Moms Support Group, where mothers of Autistic children can connect, share experiences, and find support in a welcoming environment. All Hoosier moms are invited to join! For more information, please contact irca@iu.edu.