
Family Early Intervention Resource Cards

This site houses informational cards addressing topics that support the efforts of family members of those on the autism spectrum, especially during the early years. The cards include text, helpful tips, and a QR code that leads to a video providing a more in-depth explanation of the various topics and access to additional resources.

Resources Compiled for ACE Interface Trainings

A list of local agency contacts, and resources (videos, websites, authors and book titles) for those wishing to learn more about the science of Childhood Adversity,  Positive Childhood Experiences, and Resilience. 

Inclusion Studies:

Race Placed: Special Education Identification and Placement of Black Students

This study investigates the overrepresentation of Black students in special education by looking at the association of race and related variables with referral, identification, and placement.

The Relationship of Special Education Placement and Student Academic Outcomes

This study investigates the academic outcomes of special education student cohort in the state of Indiana placed in high and low inclusion settings.

Access to full Published Manuscript - February 2021

The Relationship Between Special Education Placement and High School Outcomes

Propensity score matching was used to create intervention and comparison groups to compare academic outcomes of students with disabilities in Indiana placed in more inclusive settings with those placed in less inclusive settings. 

 Access to full Published Manuscript - July 2022


Inclusion Directory

In Indiana, 1 in 3 preschoolers with a disability receives special education services alongside their peers without disabilities. If you or your school district are interested in learning more about districts where most preschoolers are educated alongside each other (preschool inclusive services), then check out our Indiana Online Directory of Preschool Inclusion Models. 

Indiana Online Directory of Preschool Inclusion

Learn More About Indiana's History in Disability

Indiana Disability History Project logoThe Indiana Disability History website, curated by the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, documents and preserves the memories and experiences of Hoosiers with disabilities, highlighting historic developments in the disability rights movement.

The website uses video, audio, and digital technology to raise awareness of the contributions of movement leaders and pioneers as well as people trying to live ordinary lives. These advocates include both Hoosiers with disabilities and their supporters. They are community activists, family members, educators, professional service providers, public officials, and legislators.

The website offers online exhibits featuring a collection of oral history interviews in video format, with accompanying transcripts, descriptive data, and historical background information. This first-hand testimony illuminates the role of advocacy, and resulting changes in public policy, in the evolution of service provision and cultural attitudes towards people with disabilities.

Indiana Disability History Website


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