Menu of Training Opportunities
Explore our many options for training - for professionals and IU students, virtual and in-person, synchronous and asynchronous. PGPs and CEUs are also available for many of our offerings.
Explore our many options for training - for professionals and IU students, virtual and in-person, synchronous and asynchronous. PGPs and CEUs are also available for many of our offerings.
The Indiana Autism Learn and Collaborate (IALC) is an online initiative from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA) that aims to affirm neurodiversity, empower educators with Autism knowledge, and build a multidisciplinary support network of educators across the state of Indiana.
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) is a well-validated, widely used direct observation tool for diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We typically offer this training twice a year - once in the Fall and once in the Spring.
Our next ADOS-2 Introductory/Clinical Workshop will be held virtually on May 15 & 16, 2025.
Presented by Jim Taylor and Sponsored by Indiana Resource Center for Autism
Session I: Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): What Do We Need to Re-think?
Session II: Do We Really Know What We Mean When We Talk About Quality of Life? What Are the Implications for the Classroom?
April 18, 2025
9am - 2:30pm EST (with 1 hour lunch)
Virtual via Zoom
June 24 - 26, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. EDT
RISE Learning Center
5391 Shelby Street, Indianapolis, IN 46227
Presented by Amy Gaffney, M.A., CCC-SLP, Educational Consultant and Indiana's only TEACCH® Certified Advanced Consultant
Research consistently shows that individuals with autism spectrum disorders respond well to a structured environment. This workshop combines presentations and hands-on activities to demonstrate how and why to implement structured teaching strategies based on the TEACCH© philosophy. This philosophy focuses on evaluating and working with autistic students in a demonstration classroom environment. The workshop emphasizes practical strategies that participants can immediately apply in their own settings to support student learning in academics, communication, independence, social interaction, leisure activities, and emotional regulation.
Offered in both individual and group format, this learn-at-your-own-pace training offers seven courses covering strategies designed to help you support students of all abilities and grade levels. Each course includes research-based strategies and is delivered by professionals with a wealth of expertise and practical experience in each area. All the trainings are pre-recorded with a PowerPoint, handouts, and additional resources. You will be provided with a link to watch at your convenience and can stop at any point and resume later. Your learning adapts to your schedule.
The IRCA staff includes Amy Gaffney, Indiana's only TEACCH® Certified Advanced Consultant. She specializes in training and coaching for Structured Teaching. These strategies are game changers for supporting students in all areas of their academic programming.
Workshop 1: Executive Functioning
Workshop 2: Self-Regulation
In these two virtual, recorded workshops, Dr. Smith Myles will teach important concepts around executive functioning and emotional self-regulation and how training and practice in those areas can improve the lives of those with autism in the home, at school, and in the community.
Both workshops are designed for teachers, psychologists, physicians, speech language pathologists, early childhood educators, mental health providers, administrators, behavior consultants, as well as researchers, clinicians,
and others interested in educating students with autism and related developmental disabilities.
Workshop 1: Developing Functional Communication in Students with Moderate and Severe Autism Spectrum Disorders
Workshop 2: Repetitive and Restrictive Behaviors in Autism
In these two virtual, recorded workshops, Dr. Quill will help special and general education teachers, behavior consultants, psychologists, speech language pathologists, administrators, counselors, social workers, and family members learn important communication and behavior modification skills.
Paraprofessionals are an essential part of the instructional team that educates and supports students with disabilities, including students with Autism. These free videos are available as you prepare your paraprofessionals to work with your students on the autism spectrum.
The Counseling, Advocacy, and Research on the Autistic Female Experience (CARAFE) Lab addresses the gender disparities in autism diagnosis, treatment, and advocacy.
Our vision is to blend clinical services and advocacy with the exploration of diverse presentations of autism in underrepresented adults and adolescents to promote flourishing and authenticity.
2810 E Discovery Parkway
Bloomington IN 47408 812-856-4722
812-855-9630 (fax) Sitemap
Center Director: Rebecca S. Martínez, Ph.D., HSPP
The IRCA Reporter is filled with useful information for individuals, families and professionals.