Shelly Thomas
Outcomes Management Director/BDS
BDS has partnered with the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community at Indiana University, Indiana’s University Center for Excellence in Disabilities, to facilitate the survey process and provide meaningful data analysis. To read more, click on the BDS announcement below.
Outcomes Management Director/BDS
NCI Project Director
NCI Project Administrator
NCI Surveyor for Supervised Group Living & District 3
NCI Surveyor District 1 & Team Specialist
NCI Surveyor District 1
NCI Surveyor District 2
NCI Surveyor District 4
NCI Surveyor District 5
NCI Surveyor District 5
NCI Surveyor District 6
NCI Surveyor District 7
NCI Surveyor District 7
NCI Surveyor District 8
NCI Surveyor Spanish Translator
NCI Team Specialist
NCI Team Specialist
NCI Team Specialist
NCI Team Specialist
NCI AD Surveyor & Team Specialist
NCI AD Surveyor & Team Specialist
NCI AD Surveyor
NCI AD Surveyor
2810 E Discovery Parkway
Bloomington IN 47408812-855-6508
812-855-9630 (fax) Sitemap
Center Director: Allison Howland
Email: ccsciidc@iu.edu
Want to connect with us? We'd love to hear from you. Please find our email address on the left side and send us a message.