The 2024 Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) conference took place in Chantilly, Virginia from October 16 to 19, bringing together transition educators from across the U.S. and internationally to explore policies and practices that improve career opportunities and transition services for individuals with disabilities. Mike Nevins and Sarah Lamb, research associates from the Center on Community Living and Careers (CCLC), presented on integrating the LifeCourse into their Family Employment Awareness Training (FEAT). They also attended sessions on topics like using AI for IEP development and equipping transition teams with practical tools. The conference provided a valuable opportunity to learn from and network with professionals who share our mission and goals.
Since its 2010 inception at the University of Kansas’s Beach Center on Disability, FEAT has expanded to multiple states, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Indiana, and now New York. FEAT adjusts the curriculum for each state, and offers models of successful employment in rural, suburban, and urban areas.