General Information

General Information

Getting a Job

You might have used the classified ads, people you know, LinkedIn, or your connections with Uncle Leon to find your ideal job. You might've learned how to build furniture and then started your own business. An internship or apprenticeship might have jump-started your career. Sometimes it's simple; sometimes it's time-consuming and complex, but the process of finding and getting a job is really different for everybody. 

Sometimes that process involves the support of an employment services provider, who can assist you to obtain and maintain employment over time. 


What Is the Process and How Does It Work?

This video, produced by the Center on Community Living and Careers with support from Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation, illustrates the basics:

Working with Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation


Trabajando con Rehabilitacion Vocacional de Indiana



More Information and Resources

Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities--Information for teens and young adults from the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability about deciding when, how, and whether to disclose a disability. Covers the implications of disclosure for employment, education, and social situations.

Indiana Career Ready--Includes links to Indiana Career Explorer, work-based learning and apprenticeships, and careers in demand in Indiana. 

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)--Information for employers, individuals with disabilities, and employment professionals about assistive technology, accessibility, and accommodation in the workplace. 

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)--Activities, services, and supports for transition-age young adults (18-22) who are in high school. Students eligible for Pre-ETS work with community employment providers approved by Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation. 

VR Pick List--Want to find the community employment providers in your county? Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation's "pick lists" let you see the providers in your area and compare available services and supports.

WorkOne--A map with links to Indiana's area WorkOne offices. Contact your nearest office to talk with them about training, assessment, jobs, and area businesses with openings.

See also our web pages listed at left, especially Indiana Internship Opportunities, Self-Employment, and Ticket to Work. 

Our Trainings and Events pages feature informational trainings on the transition to employment, benefits basics, self-employment, and more.