Archived Training Materials

Archived Trainings and Materials

Information and materials from past workshops, webinars, and conferences from the Center on Community Living and Careers for employment and educational professionals. This page contains archived trainings as well as handouts and other supplementary materials for ongoing trainings.

If you're looking for trainings or tutorials about transition to adulthood, Transition IEPs, or other materials for Indiana transition teachers, please visit our Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center trainings page.

Discovery Check and Connect Webinars

Check and Connect was a free webinar series on Discovery topics, presented in 2015 and 2016 by Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services for VR staff and for community employment providers.

November 2, 2015 Effective Conversations: Tips & Tricks for Talking with the People Who Know Your Job Seeker
December 3, 2015 Informational Interviewing
January, 4, 2016 Developing Vocational Themes
February 1, 2016 Discovery in Rural Communities
March 6, 2016 Rural Job Development