Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination

Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination

Why are Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination Important?

Self-advocacy is the ability of an individual to communicate their wants and needs. Individuals who are strong self-advocates can respond to conflict and reach agreements with others.  Self-determination involves setting a goal and taking action. It requires individuals to make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions.  

Students should be exposed to self-advocacy and self-determination skills frequently and as early as possible.  These skills assist individuals in leading their own lives on their terms.  This empowerment reduces their dependence and reliance on others and promotes independence. An individual’s quality of life is improved when they are in control.

Be sure to check out the resources below:

You can also contact us at:  or call (812) 855-6508

Self Advocacy and Self Determination Schematic

How Can Families Support?

Families play a key role in promoting self-advocacy and self-determination.  Below are a few ways families can support individuals with self-advocacy and self-determination.  

  • Encourage active participation in IEP meetings, even leading their own meeting.  
  • Model skills at home and in the community.  
  • Provide opportunities for students to practice these skills frequently.   
  • Ensure the voice of those with limited communication is heard by summarizing and sharing strengths, interests and support needs. 
  • Ask for input on decisions, including accommodations and modifications.  
  • Set clear expectations and consequences.  
  • Enroll the student in Pre-Employment Transition Services. 

Definitions to Know  

Dignity of Risk: This term refers to the idea that individuals have the right to take reasonable risks and make decisions about their own lives. Taking risks is important for learning and personal development.  

Presumed Competence: Presumed competence is the idea that anyone can learn and understand.  When we presume competence, we allow individuals to take risks and make their own decisions, improving quality of life.