Benefits Information

Benefits Information


This page offers information for individuals and their families who are planning for employment and learning about benefits.   It includes links and resources for you to explore.  

The abundance of information on benefits and employment can make even the most organized person feel overwhelmed.   

You may have questions such as:  

  • Will I be able to maintain my benefits and still work?  
  • Which benefits do I need right now?  
  • Who can I contact to help me with this process?  
  • Will I lose my Medicaid?

The answers: 

  • Yes, you can maintain benefits and still work.  
  • Every person’s benefit need is unique to their situation.   
  • A benefit liaison will help you understand and learn more about what benefits you need.  
  • You can maintain Medicaid while working through a special program, called MedWorks

The fact sheets below help to explain what you need to know when moving from school into competitive integrated employment.  

Benefits Information Schematic

Definitions to Know

Supplemental Security Income (SSI): A program for individuals who have a limited income and meet eligibility requirements. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is for people who are 65 or older, blind, or have a qualifying disability. SSI is not based on work history or family work history.  

Social Security Disability Insurance (SDDI): A program for individuals with a disability who have a qualified work history and have paid Social Security taxes while employed.  

Benefits Liaison: A liaison acts as your benefits contact person.  Working with community service providers and other agencies, they help guide you and your family through the benefits process, answering questions related to employment and Social Security, health care coverage, and other services and supports. 

MEDWorks: MEDWorks is a Medicaid program in Indiana that allows people with disabilities to work while keeping their Medicaid coverage. Individuals must be 16–64 years old, meet Indiana Medicaid income and resource guidelines, and meet Indiana M.E.D. Works income limits. They must also meet Indiana's Medicaid definition of disability. 

More Answers to Your Questions

If you have more questions about benefits, or even if you’d just like to listen in on the discussion, we offer time every week when individuals, family members, teachers, employment providers, or community resource specialists can call in to talk solutions or suggestions for their questions or concerns related to transition planning. 

Visit our Comprehensive Transition Open Office Hours every Thursday from 2:30-4:30 p.m. EST: Connect with Zoom