Information for Service Providers

Information for Indiana's Community Employment Providers

Documentation, Forms, Guidance

Indiana's employment specialists and other community employment provider personnel work with Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation on implementation of the state's Employment Services Model for job seekers who have disabilities. The tools and forms listed below are for their reference and use.

Find additional forms, documentation, and the VR Employment Services Manual on the Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation website

You'll also find links to past webinars, workshops, and trainings on our Past Training and Materials page

Shared Solutions: The Blog for Indiana Employment Specialists

Employment specialists, Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation counselors, and other employment professionals need resources and tools to help them implement the Indiana Employment Services Model. Shared Solutions is a resource blog from the Employment Technical Assistance Team at the Center on Community Living and Careers. Each post features information about a particular aspect of community employment, planning charts, videos, promising practices, and more. 

Read Shared Solutions


The Big Picture  Indiana, like many states across the U.S., is amidst significant legislative and political shifts regarding rightful access to fitting, competitive employment for all persons impacted by a disability. Having historically relied on segregated training models featuring sub-minimum wage earnings and little to no individualization, those models are under persistent and increased scrutiny.... Read more »

Winter often brings about seasonal depression, characterized by shorter days, colder weather, and more time spent indoors. These factors can negatively impact our mental health and many of those that we serve in our programs. Connecting with others, whether it’s participants, colleagues, friends, or family, through simple gestures like a greeting, a smile, or a... Read more »