This page offers individuals and their families information on what to consider when determining how much help they may need in making choices and decisions after turning 18 years old. A guardianship is not the only option if someone needs help making life decisions. There is a continuum of supports available. This includes a fairly new approach called supported decision-making. The links below provide more detail on these options. These resources will assist you in making an informed decision. The important thing to know is that people can and do learn to make life choices on their own.
By now, you have noticed that there are many decisions you must make when planning for your future. Having a voice in all matters of life is vital to your self-esteem and motivation. Supported decision-making (SDM) means you are still in charge of your own life and have options. You can either choose to make the decision yourself or make that decision with the help of a trusted team. Either way, you still have rights.
Your trusted team can assist you in determining the pros and cons when exploring options and making judgments. However, in supported decision-making, you decide who will be involved in providing that support. The supporters you choose must agree to provide guidance and support, and not to make the decisions unless requested to do so. This can include decisions on your finances, healthcare, education, employment, and housing.
Be sure to check out the resources for individuals and families you will find on this page.
You can also contact us at: or call (812) 855-6508